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 Author  Thread: Lost Tab - How to fix?
Posts: 2
Lost Tab - How to fix?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Mar 15 2:54 AM

Apolgies all if this is not the correct Forum to post my plea for assistance but here goes:

I've made a muck up of Sales Logix version Number We're out of support contract and frankly I'm feeling stuffed. It was discovered that back-ups of the data weren't being made at the time - although they are now - so there's othing to 'go back to'.

I've managed to either delete or hide ( don't know which) the main tab for ALL ACCOUNTS in the accounts view. This was done in error after running a query that didn't work out as expected and then deleting that query. I recall an error message asking something like "Am I sure I want to delete" and responded with a YES. It may have said something additional e.g. "this will delete ???". Quite exactly what I can't remember. Needless to say i haven't been brave enough to try to repeat the error just in case I manage to muck it up even more.

The data I need still exists in some of the other tabs and I can still do Look-Ups etc so it is still there, I just can't find out how to restore the tab containing All ACCOUNTS.

I have an additional question please: How do I UNHIDE a group after selecting hide

I don't know what the varous abbreviations mean, so if anyone has the time to provide a solution, will you please provide the answer as idiot-proof as possible. 

Thank you


Brian Segers
Posts: 69
Re: Lost Tab - How to fix?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Mar 15 8:03 AM

It sounds like you are talking about the "All Accounts" Group.

If this is the case you can create a new Version by selecting Add Group (I am not sure if you are on the desktop or web Version).

Search for Add Group in the Help. The all accounts group has no Criteria so Just Add it then Name it "All Accounts".

Lastly after you add, you have to Right Click on the New Tab where it says "All Accounts" and Select "Share", then select Everyone.

The help topic for Groups is fairly comprehensive, it would be worth it to review.


Best, Brian

Posts: 2
Re: Lost Tab - How to fix?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Mar 15 9:33 AM


Worked like magic – thank you!

If you weren’t a few thousand miles away I’d buy you a beer!


Best wishes


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