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Code Samples  

17 articles found

Integrating SalesLogix Leads with LinkedIn Sample Bundle
This post contains a sample bundle for integrating the LinkedIn social network with SalesLogix leads.
Author: Ryan Farley - 6/19/2007 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 1 users

Dropping SalesLogix Tables
Having recently done and upgrade from a rather old DB to v7.0.1, I've encountered a few tables that cannot be deleted from SalesLogix via DB manager. This sample shows the process to completely drop a SalesLogix table.
Author: Todd Hardin - 6/1/2007 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 5 users

Simple Back Office Integration for SalesLogix Whitepaper
This whitepaper describes how to easily use back office data in SalesLogix through the use of SQL views. Note: This applies to version 6.2 and earlier only.
Author: Mark Richardson - 4/25/2007 - Rated: 4.8/5 by 4 users

Automated SalesLogix Integrity Checks Whitepaper
SalesLogix currently has 107 different integrity checks that can be run from the Administrator program, but SalesLogix failed to provide a way to schedule them so they needed to be run manually. The automated version of these integrity checks will allow for the tests to be run as a scheduled SQL job and notify support personnel only when there is a problem.
Author: Dave McGill - 4/25/2007 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 1 users

How to Launch a Contact Process via Script - Sample Code
This article contains sample code and bundle for the article "How to Launch a Contact Process via Script". Samples included in legacy and VBScript.
Author: Walter Shpuntoff - 8/29/2006 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 3 users

Simple Product Import Tool
A simple product import tool that imports products from an Excel spreadsheet.
Author: Bob (RJ)Ledger - 8/2/2005 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 1 users

How to Save & Read Images in a SalesLogix Database Sample Bundle
This sample bundle demonstrates how to read and write image files into BLOB fields in a SalesLogix database. The bundle contains a single plugin, which is the System:Account Detail form with modifications to demonstrate how to add a logo image for each account. The image is saved in the database and displayed on the account detail screen.
Author: Ryan Farley - 5/18/2005 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 2 users

Building a SalesLogix Login Screen Sample Code
This sample code provides examples of building dynamic login screens for your SalesLogix addon applications. (Updated for 6.2!)
Author: Ryan Farley - 9/15/2004 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 1 users

Using Code Templates in Saleslogix 6.x to Develop Class Objects Sample Template
How many countless hours have you spent writing nearly the same code, over and over again. How often have you replicated nearly identical code to perform nearly the same operation to different part of the system? Well, those days may just be over! This document will describe how you can shave hours in not days of development time by utilizing code templates. Download the sample template and check out the article.
Author: Scott Mercill - 7/22/2004 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 1 users

The Myths and Legends of Prepared Queries Sample Code
Sample code to demonstrate the how and when of using prepared ADO commands with the SalesLogix 6.2 OLEDB Provider (Version 6.2)
Author: Stuart Carnie - 6/11/2004 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 3 users

Consuming SalesLogix Data via RSS Sample Code
This sample code demonstrates how to syndicate SalesLogix data via RSS. This sample feed allows SalesLogix users to subscribe to new opportunity data.
Author: Ryan Farley - 4/8/2004 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 4 users

Using SLAPI with SalesLogix version 6
This sample Visual Basic 6 project demonstrates how to use SLAPI (SlgxApi.DLL) with SalesLogix version 6. It allows a user to log in, generates some ID values, and retrieves a list of accounts to demonstrate the basic use of the API.
Author: Ryan Farley - 2/2/2004 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 3 users

How To: Set Mouse Cursor in Legacy Views Sample Bundle
This sample bundle demonstrates how to set the Mouse Cursor in SalesLogix legacy views & scripts.
Author: Todd Hardin - 1/13/2004 - Rated: 4.5/5 by 2 users

Master/Detail Forms & LookupEdit Sample Bundle
This sample bundle demonstrates how to create master/detail forms, using a datagrid with an EditForm for adding/editing data. Also demonstrated in this bundle is the use on a LookupEdit control.
Author: Ryan Farley - 12/31/2002 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 5 users

Dynamically Creating DataGrid Columns Bundle
This sample bundle demonstrates how to create dynamic columns from queries at runtime. The bundle includes a single Form which allows you to enter a query and populate the grid with the results of that query.
Author: Ryan Farley - 12/11/2002 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 5 users

Using Classes in VBScript Sample Bundle
This sample bundle demonstrates how to uses classes in SalesLogix VBScript
Author: Ryan Farley - 11/14/2002 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 5 users

.NET SlgxApi.dll Managed Wrapper
This post contains a .NET Managed Wrapper for the SalesLogix API, written in VB.NET
Author: Ryan Farley - 11/2/2002 - Rated: 5.0/5 by 6 users


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