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About slxdeveloper.com  

What is slxdeveloper.com?

slxdeveloper.com is built & maintained by Ryan Farley and brought to you courtesy of Customer FX Corporation. It's purpose is to serve as a resource in order to help the entire SalesLogix developer community. When the community as a whole does better, we all benefit. Most development communities have online resources to share ideas, offer help to others in the community, and provide tutorials through articles by developers in the community.

At slxdeveloper.com, you will find articles covering topics related to SalesLogix development. Most of the articles here will focus on the new technologies introduced in new versions of SalesLogix. You'll find articles covering cool new things available to you such as the OLE DB Provider and how to use it, using SalesLogix with ASP.NET, integrating Web Services with SalesLogix, building ActiveX controls for SalesLogix, using VBScript in SalesLogix, and many, many more topics ranging from beginning to advanced.

Who is slxdeveloper.com for?

slxdeveloper.com is for the developer, administrator, support tech, or other technical professionals working with SalesLogix. It doesn't matter if you're a Business Partner or if you work for a company who uses SalesLogix. This site is not for sales professionals, marketing folks, managers, or other SalesLogix users. Geek speak only allowed here.

For the SalesLogix Customer

This site is meant to provide a place where your knowledge can grow about SalesLogix. As an administrator, developer, support tech, or other professional for your company and working with SalesLogix, this site will give you a place to collaborate with others professionals so that you, and your company, can get the most out of SalesLogix. Participate as much as possible and become a part of the community today.

For the SalesLogix Business Partner

This site is for you to enhance what you already know about SalesLogix, keep you up to speed on how to use new things in SalesLogix development, and develop for SalesLogix using current and new technologies as well as provide a place for you to interact with the community and share your knowledge. This site is not meant to replace the Business Partner newsgroups, but to provide an even larger audience for you to collaborate and share SalesLogix development help.

Technical Information About the Site

This site was developed in C# using a custom portal framework developed by Ryan Farley. The site is all managed without ever touching a page or a line of HTML. Pages are built dynamically at runtime and cached based on configuration data stored in a database for each page. New pages are added to the site by simply adding a page record in a database, along with specifying the elements (Modules) that make up the page and defining the data it is linked to, via pregnancy custom web and windows applications used for site administration. UserControls (called Modules) that make up the page content are assigned to a page (and section within the page) in a manner similar to SharePoint, DotNetNuke, and other common portals. All custom Modules are complied assemblies that all inherit from the same base class to provide integration to the site framework and then wired up to their skin (a custom ascx file to provide the visual front end for the Module) at runtime when loaded on to pages.

Articles are added to the site through a custom application which automagically formats the article text to maintain a standard look throughout the site as well as formats any contained source code samples to maintain color syntax highlighting.

Everything used in the construction of this site is custom built. That goes for the forums as well as the applications used behind the scenes for site administration, adding and formatting articles, generating newsletters, article comment and forum notifications, and even for analysis of traffic and site statistics.

Your Community

Thanks for coming to slxdeveloper.com and finding your place in the SalesLogix developer community. Take your part in making slxdeveloper.com a great place and a community that we can all benefit from!

 slxdeveloper.com is brought to you courtesy of Ryan Farley & Customer FX Corporation.
 This site, and all contents herein, are Copyright © 2024 Customer FX Corporation. The information and opinions expressed here are not endorsed by Sage Software.

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