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 Author  Thread: SSIS & Code Re-Use
Phil Parkin
Posts: 819
Top 10 forum poster: 819 posts
SSIS & Code Re-UseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 15 Aug 07 6:52 PM
Hi there - I've been doing a fair amount of dev using the VB.NET script task to do some data integration stuff.

One thing that I would like to be able to do, yet which I am not sure how to do, is to build a Utils library and use it in different packages. It would have common stuff in in - eg sub to return SLX_DBIDs.

Is this something that's easy to set up?

Todd Hardin
Posts: 43
Re: SSIS & Code Re-UseYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 16 Aug 07 1:22 PM
Wish I had an answer for you Phil, but I can tell you that I'll be watching here to see what I can learn as well. Ryan Farley is a DTS and (I presume now) SSIS guru - so let's hope he has something to share on the topic.
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