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 Author  Thread: Help please !!! on SLX Updates
Posts: 1
Help please !!! on SLX UpdatesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 29 Apr 08 2:18 AM
Hi all ,

Iam in a critical stage of the project where we have tumbled into a problem .
Please help .
We have updated the saleslogic Accounts from external source using dts, which is basically for sync .
We did it sucessfully . But the history table doesn't update automatically , even if we use slx oledb .
We need the history table because this help to sync the external clients .
During the nomal entry , history table is updated automatically .
1. Do we need to insert into history table ? Is this the only way ?
2. Is there any better method to do ? if yes, how to do it ?

Pls help ...

Thank you,

Walter Shpuntoff
Posts: 167
Re: Help please !!! on SLX UpdatesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 Apr 08 4:15 AM
You are working at the table level, so there is no reason for anything to be generated in history when you update the account table via the provider.

If you want to create history entries, then you need to create them with your DTS/SSIS.
Inserting records has one gotcha though - go into the history table in (SLX) database manager and make sure that the HistoryID column is set to AutoIncrement. Then apply that change and REBOOT your SalesLogix server. (In theory you can just restart the service, but that never seems to work for me).

Then you should be able to create an insert for every account you have changed.


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