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 Author  Thread: Bug Job SQL (SSIS Lot) due to Scribe Evenet
Posts: 1
Bug Job SQL (SSIS Lot) due to Scribe EvenetYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 Feb 13 9:30 AM


Thank you for the answers to be given to my problems..

I use a lot SSIS on my SQL Job . In my lot, i run a Scribe event. This latter allows me to insert values on a table..When I run mannualy my lot, steps are carried out properly and when the Scribe Event run.. He insert the value and.. a Messagebox opens to with :  "SalesLogix : Disk is Full !".But my lot runs until the end, insert values ??and ends normally.When I run my lot with a SQL Job, i have an error that me say " Error, Out Code return 306 but 0 is expected "

After much research, I concluded that my SQL Job didn't run because it crashes when opened the error message "Disk is Full."So I found a setting in my Event Scribe "FailTaskReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue" which was "True" and I happened to "False." My job SQL works but it no insert my values.So I conducted further research and apparently the "Disk is full" significate that the SLX Log Newspaper was full (QLUP files generated by thousands a day)..

Like that, I have no idea .. I tried many things .. but no results .. Do you have a solution please ? Thank you very much

PS : Sorry for my english, i'm french :p

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