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 Author  Thread: SLXProfiling.dll causes SSIS Debug Host to crash
Will Woodbery
Posts: 1
SLXProfiling.dll causes SSIS Debug Host to crashYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Mar 16 9:39 AM

I have developed several SSIS packages with SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2013. I'm using SalesLogix OLEDB Provider and the error occurs when the connection is opened. The packages run without error on Win 7 but error on Win 8.



        bool cancel = false;

        string cnStr = string.Empty;

        switch (Variables.Environment)


            case "DEV":

                cnStr = Variables.ConnectionStringDEV;


            case "PROD":

                cnStr = Variables.ConnectionStringPROD;



                string errMsg = "Invalid Connection String. Check 'Environment' parameter.";

                ComponentMetaData.FireError(10, this.ComponentMetaData.Name, errMsg, "", 0, out cancel);





        cnSalesLogix = new OleDbConnection(cnStr);


        cnSalesLogix.Open(); //ERROR OCCURS ON THIS LINE

Windows error file:

  Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

  Application Name: DtsDebugHost.exe

  Application Version: 2014.120.2000.8

  Application Timestamp: 5306c843

  Fault Module Name: SLXProfiling.dll

  Fault Module Version:

  Fault Module Timestamp: 4def3e71

  Exception Code: c0000005

  Exception Offset: 00005af0

  OS Version: 6.3.9600.

  Locale ID: 1033

  Additional Information 1: 9723

  Additional Information 2: 9723caaff5fe9c9e56d1a9fb81834f6a

  Additional Information 3: 6330

  Additional Information 4: 6330d6491c2e3a183d13684f44ad7e96


thanks for any help in advance!


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