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 Author  Thread: Import using SSIS into SLX v7
Robby Thesman
Posts: 11
Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 Mar 07 8:37 PM
Has any body got a working example on how to use SSIS (SQL 2005) to import data into SLX v7?

Carla Tillman
Posts: 290
Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Mar 07 9:58 AM

  • Right Click on the database you want to import to

  • Select All Tasks

  • Select Import Data

  • Supply Source and destination information as the Wiard instructs

  • Map your fields

  • Import
  • [Reply][Quote]
    John Gundrum
    Posts: 632
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    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 07 Mar 07 5:57 AM
    Maybe I am not as familiar with the Import Data functionality in 2005 as I should be, but doesn't import data just import data. Its not part of SSIS is it?

    I though SSIS was for creating a job that can be run at intervals or on demand to perform a predefine set of steps to transform data from one system to another (SSIS replaced DTS).

    John G.
    Ryan Farley
    Posts: 2265
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    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 07 Mar 07 10:25 AM
    The Import Data wizard is a part of SSIS. Basically what the wizard does is create an SSIS package on the fly and runs it. You can have it save the package it built for you, then you can open it, edit the items in it, add to it, or even set up a schedule for it as well.
    John Gundrum
    Posts: 632
    Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 07 Mar 07 4:01 PM
    Thanks! I haven't yet had an opportunity to use it and could only remember how 2000 did it. I think even that version allowed the saving of the import/export as well - but under DTS.

    John G.

    Ryan Farley
    Posts: 2265
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    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 09 Mar 07 1:17 AM
    Yeah, DTS did the same (the wizard could save the package that you could open and edit). Really pretty cool and a quick way to get your base package started.
    Guy Barrett
    Posts: 63
    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 28 Jun 07 9:25 AM
    I've had nothing but trouble importing Accounts, Contact and Addresses using SISS in SQL Server 2007.

    Originally I was using the SLX autoincrement feature so I did not have to generate the ID myself. However, SISS frequently falls over with memory issues despite having 6gb of RAM on the SQL Server and only attempting to import 100 records. It looks like it is simply a bug in the SLX OLEDB provider.

    So, now I simply make the IDs up myself and import directly via the SQL Native Provider. This is not ideal and I can see this biting me on the backside in the future.

    Has anyone else had these memory issues and managed to circumvent it?
    Posts: 29
    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 29 Jun 07 3:35 AM
    Hi Guy

    You might find it easier ond more effective to use a tool such as Inaport (from us), which combines powerful data integration capability with extensive SLX business logic.


    David Evans
    Inaport - Custeorm Data Integration
    Patrick Sullivan
    Posts: 13
    Re: Import using SSIS into SLX v7Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
    Posted: 29 Jun 07 4:01 PM
    I have been having headaches as well importing data through SSIS. I think I just made a bit of a breakthrough today in regards to generating the SLX DBIDs. I will post a new thread explaining how and what I am doing.
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