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slx_DBIDS seen as char(13)??Patrick Sullivan2219521 Jun 07 4:29 PM
Patrick Sullivan 
OLE Provider ConcernsPatrick Sullivan4207221 Jun 07 3:35 PM
Patrick Sullivan 
Using a DTS to insert records into a SalesLogix tableSLX_Novice4209515 Jun 07 10:49 AM
Reading data into global variableValeda4164727 Jul 06 12:49 PM
Problem Scheduling a DTS Job using DTSRunPhil Parkin15228625 Jul 06 10:15 AM
Phil Parkin 
update table with activexValeda10170620 Jul 06 11:41 AM
Ryan Farley 
Need activex helpValeda7166206 Jul 06 1:41 PM
Ryan Farley 
DTS ActiveX script cachedAnthony Shuker2155521 Jun 06 5:51 AM
Anthony Shuker 
Data Transformation ToolKitK Mill6182617 May 06 10:21 AM
Ryan Farley 
Importing Text Files Into A SLX TableAntony Currington1168716 Mar 06 5:09 PM
Ryan Farley 
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