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MindManager Map for SalesLogix 6.2  
Description:  A MindManager map to use with SalesLogix 6.2. This map is useful when planning upgrades, documenting customizations, or for simply having an easy to read list of what plugins are new forms, legacy, or hard-coded.

Category:  Utilities
Author:  Bob (RJ)Ledger
Submitted:  8/2/2005
Article has been read 9749 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 1 users

MindManager Map for SalesLogix 6.2

Here's a MindManager map I've started developing on V6.2.x to use for:
  1. Specifying customs for new installs
  2. Specifying work TBD on upgrades
  3. ???? whatever...

 Download the MindManager Map

It's a WIP (Work In Progress) - contribute.. enjoy.. whatever.


About the Author

  Bob (RJ)Ledger
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
rjlSystems, LLC - www.rjlSystems.net - Sage SalesLogix Business Partner "...Customer First..."™



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- Sage SalesLogix Business Partner
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Ryan Farley

slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: MindManager Map for SalesLogix 6.2
Posted: 8/2/2005 6:25:40 PM
Nice work. It's useful even to just see what areas are hard-coded, views, forms, etc.


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