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Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)  
Description:  This article contains all sample code, overviews, and screencasts from Ryan Farley's Nav 06 Sage summit presentation. This article includes a bonus screencast that will walk you through the process of embedding a .NET control in any version of SalesLogix. The concepts in this article and screencasts do not use the .NET Extensions feature of v7, but instead focuses on a generic way to include .NET in your SalesLogix development efforts.

Category:  SalesLogix .NET Extensions Articles
Author:  Ryan Farley
Submitted:  1/10/2007
Article has been read 36427 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 11 users


Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix

In November of 2006 I presented at the Sage Summit conference in Nashville, TN. My topic covered how to leverage .NET in SalesLogix. Any version. Not just in version 7. This article provides the source code, screencasts of the demos, and even a sample screencast demonstrating how to embed a .NET control in SalesLogix from start to finish. These samples should work in versions 6.1 and higher of SalesLogix, the this concept can apply to any version of SalesLogix. The samples do not use the .NET Extensions feature in SalesLogix v7 but the concepts will still apply for .NET Extensions without some of the steps used in these samples.

Be sure to look at the end of this article for a special bonus screencast showing you the entire process, from start to finish, to embed a .NET control in SalesLogix! Click to jump there now!

Installing the Samples

To install the samples you will need to install the SalesLogix bundles and also register the .NET assemblies for COM interop on any machine where they will be used.

  1. Install the bundles provided in the "_Bundles" folder.

  2. Register the .NET assemblies for COM interoperability by using one of the following:

    1. Open the .NET solution in Visual Studio and compile
    2. or
    3. Execute the batch file named "__INSTALL.bat" found in the "_Install Sample Binaries" folder.

An Overview of the Samples

The following screencasts will provide an overview of the samples. Use these to familiarize yourself with the samples, and their intent, to understand the samples better. Source code for all samples is provided at the end of this article.

The Advanced Contacts Sample

The Advanced Contacts sample is an embedded .NET control. The embedded control is the XtraGrid control from DevExpress that is placed onto a tab under the account area in SalesLogix to provide an enhanced view of contacts for the account.


Advanced Contacts Sample
Screencast Details

View an overview of the Advanced Contacts sample.

  • View screencast
  • View Larger Screenshot

  • The Account Search Sample

    The Account Search sample places a custom .NET UserControl on the Account Detail screen in SalesLogix. The UserControl performs a search using the account name on Microsoft Live Search. The results are returned from Microsoft Live Search in XML and displayed in the UserControl to provide a quick internet search for the current account. The search is done on a separate thread so the movement from account to account is not delayed while waiting for the result.


    Account Search Sample
    Screencast Details

    View an overview of the Account Search sample.

  • View screencast
  • View Larger Screenshot

  • The Account RSS Sample

    The Account RSS sample sample uses a COM-exposed .NET assembly to provide easy access to an RSS feed for the current account which is displayed on an account tab built in Architect. The COM-exposed assembly nices wraps all calls to retrieve data from the RSS feed for the current account and simplifies the VBScript used to access the .NET object.


    Account RSS Sample
    Screencast Details

    View an overview of the Account RSS sample.

  • View screencast
  • View Larger Screenshot

  • The Contact Messenger Sample

    Contact Messenger sample turns SalesLogix into a Messenger client to communicate with contacts over the Microsoft Messenger network. All conversations are saved to history under the contact. The Contact Detail screen has been modified in Architect to add some visual parts of this sample, such as a button to initiate a conversation and an icon that changes to indicate whether the contact is online or not. The functionality is all provided by a COM-exposed .NET assembly that is referenced from the script behind the Contact Detail screen.

    This sample is not meant to provide complete functionality. It can only initiate a conversation. It cannot receive a conversation initiated by someone esle. To use this sample, the e-mail address of the contact must match up with a contact already added to your messenger contact list on the account you log in with using the "Login" button in SalesLogix.


    Contact Messenger
    Screencast Details

    View an overview of the Contact Messenger sample.

  • View screencast
  • View Larger Screenshot

  • The Sample Source Code

    The source code for all samples is provided in a single zipped file. Use the link below to download the entire set of source code for the samples.

     Click to download the Sample Source Code

     Download the PowerPoint presentation

    Bonus Sample - Embedding a .NET Control in SalesLogix

    The following is a bonus sample screencast that will walk you through the entire process, from start to finish, of embedding a .NET control in SalesLogix. This sample will work on any version of SalesLogix from 6.1 to 7.0 and higher.

    Note: The only thing that would prevent it from working exactly as shown is that in versions prior to 6.1 the SalesLogix form and SalesLogix controls did not have an HWND property. You could still do the same in earlier versions of SalesLogix, even back to the first release, but you would have to obtain the parent containers HWND using some other means.


    Embedding a .NET Control
    Screencast Details

    View the screencast to see the entire process of embedding a .NET control in SalesLogix!

  • View screencast

  • Wrapping it up

    First of all, to all those who attended my session at Sage Summit, I appologize for the long wait for me to get these samples posted. Now that they are posted, take the time to understand the concept, no matter the version of SalesLogix you have. The concepts will apply regardless of version. If you are already on version 7, taking these concepts to the .NET Extensions feature will allow you to truly get the most out of your development experiences with SalesLogix. Use the forums on this site to discuss these concepts and receive any additional help you might need along the way.

    Until next time, happy coding.



    About the Author

      Ryan Farley
    (SalesLogix Business Partner)
    Customer FX Corporation


    Ryan Farley is the Director of Development for Customer FX and creator of slxdeveloper.com. He's been blogging regularly about SalesLogix since 2001 and believes in sharing with the community. He loves C#, Javascript, Python, web development, open source, and Linux. He also loves his hobby as an amateur filmmaker.

    View Ryan's SalesLogix Mobile Seveloper Series
    View Ryan's SalesLogix SData Developer Series
    View Ryan's Git for the SalesLogix Developer series

    View online profile for Ryan Farley

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    Author Article Comments and Discussion
    Bob (RJ)Ledger

    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/11/2007 8:00:13 AM
    Nice piece of work Ryan!
    Ryan Farley

    slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/11/2007 11:03:00 AM
    Thanks RJ!
    Norman Rice

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/11/2007 11:27:59 AM
    Ryan. I just went through the Bonus Sample. Absolutely phenomenal! I know next to nothing about C#, but I was able to follow your instructions and had no problem getting it to work in SLX 6.2.4.


    Jason Huber

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/11/2007 3:43:22 PM
    Yeah Nice job Ryan!

    Thanks for posting this. I wouldnt have considered this method in any case - its certainly smart.

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/19/2007 1:14:28 AM
    Hi Ryan

    Thanks a lot for the nice work!
    Just what i needed...
    Luisa Blahetka

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 5/14/2007 8:48:22 PM

    Thanks for doing this. I followed it and I was able to open SLX and see the user control.

    Two things though:

    1. I deselected this new form, and clicked on the other Account forms. When I came back to this new one, only the hidden label with the AccountID was displayed. I had to ctrl F5 SalesLogix client to see the complete form again.

    2. I have a form in VB.Net 2005 which is a time card form for field service engineers using the remote version of SalesLogix. Is there a way to use this form inside the SalesLogix client, so the form can syncronize?. We are in 6.2.4 right now. Plan to migrate to 7.2 next quarter.

    Thanks again, this is very valuable.


    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/4/2008 1:19:42 AM
    Hi Ryan,

    i place of AccountID property in Bonus Sample - Embedding a .NET Control in SalesLogix.i want to get the userID of the user who logged into the SalesLogix, how to get it,please help me
    Ryan Farley

    slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/7/2008 12:37:43 PM

    To get the logged in user, you could either pass Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID to the .NET code, or from the .NET code instnciate a SalesLogix.SlxApplication object and use BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID from there.


    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/25/2008 12:48:41 AM
    Hi Rayan,
    thank you for replying.

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/25/2008 3:56:45 AM
    Hi Rayan,
    i am passing username,password from saleslogix to .net control, i am using the username and password in the form_load event of the Control.but i am not getting values.i am getting the values of the UserName and Password in Button_Click Event.i need those values in FormLoad Event.how to get the values in FormLoad Event,please help me.
    Thank's in Advance

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/25/2008 3:56:52 AM
    Hi Rayan,
    i am passing username,password from saleslogix to .net control, i am using the username and password in the form_load event of the Control.but i am not getting values.i am getting the values of the UserName and Password in Button_Click Event.i need those values in FormLoad Event.how to get the values in FormLoad Event,please help me.
    Thank's in Advance

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/25/2008 3:57:41 AM
    Hi Rayan,
    i am passing username,password from saleslogix to .net control, i am using the username and password in the form_load event of the Control.but i am not getting values.i am getting the values of the UserName and Password in Button_Click Event.i need those values in FormLoad Event.how to get the values in FormLoad Event,please help me.
    Thank's in Advance

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/25/2008 3:58:04 AM
    Hi Rayan,
    i am passing username,password from saleslogix to .net control, i am using the username and password in the form_load event of the Control.but i am not getting values.i am getting the values of the UserName and Password in Button_Click Event.i need those values in FormLoad Event.how to get the values in FormLoad Event,please help me.
    Thank's in Advance
    Ryan Farley

    slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/25/2008 10:34:04 AM

    That's not something we can know without seeing your code. Maybe start a thread in the forums so you can post some code for us to see?

    Travis Rodman

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 6/12/2008 4:53:43 PM
    Great information!

    I signed up to this site just so I could give you some encouragement. It is incredibly generous of you to share this kind of information. It perfectly provides an elegant solution for SLX integration. Well presented and explained, exactly answering the need I have for facilitating integration in a project I am working on.

    Thank you!
    Onam Díaz

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 7/17/2009 4:55:54 PM
    i can´t download The source code, please help me.
    Ryan Farley

    slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 7/17/2009 5:11:49 PM

    Are you receiving an error of any kind? I just tried downloading and I could download the source code just fine.


    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 8/26/2009 1:16:02 PM
    Ryan - My WniZip v 11 abends when I try to download the sample code. Is it possible your .zip file is corrupted? Below is the start of the WinZip dump diagnostics. I will send the complete dumpt to their support and see what they say.

    WinZip Error Report Log

    To help solve this problem, please send this file by e-mail to support@winzip.com

    Please include as detailed as possible a description of what you were doing before the problem occurred, so we can try to reproduce
    the problem here. In particular, please tell us what steps led to the problem, and whether it occurs always or sometimes after these
    steps are followed.

    Thank you

    WinZip internal error in file WzMenu.c line 305

    about: 00405172
    output_context_info: 00428f45

    WZDLL: unzip(): 20039240
    IBSDLL: IBSIsDownload(): 00000000
    Return address = 0042a7a0
    Return address = 004e6c30
    Return address = 00457c6e
    Return address = 004cbdc1
    Return address = 004cd050
    Return address = 004cd0cb
    Return address = 004fba06
    Return address = 7c817077
    Return address = 00000000

    Windows XP Professional 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 3
    Current date/time: 8/26/2009 2:10 PM
    WinZip(R) Pro 11.0 (7313) compiled: Nov 10 2006


    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 9/22/2009 6:39:54 PM
    Is there any update on how to display a Net Control using .Net Extensions V 7.5.1 Rather than just staright up COM.

    I have the samples working except that they don't use Application.Managed.Create

    How can I use .Net Extensions to do the same thing?

    RJ Samp

    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/10/2010 9:15:58 AM
    Ditto on the request to have this SLX .Net Extensions compatible...

    What replaces Interop.SalesLogix62.dll for example?

    I'm on 7.22.
    Ryan Farley

    slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
    slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 1/10/2010 10:40:29 AM
    You can use these samples with .NET Extensions, the real difference is how you load them. Using Application.Managed just does some of the interop for you. I would suggest to look at the article on that to not get confused and then come back to these samples to tie the two together.

    BTW, do you see errors trying these on 7.2? Or it just doesn't work? There's nothing that shouldn't work in 7.2 and later, the only possible thing that might need to change are the window class names in the SLX app where you are embedding your .NET app.

    As far as the Interop.SalesLogix62.dll, that will still work on later versions as well (even up to 7.5.2) you just won't see anything that might have been added since 6.2 in the object model. Using an earlier version interop assembly is a great way to avoid making your addon version specific.
    David Nunnally

    Re: Leveraging .NET in SalesLogix (Applies to any version)
    Posted: 12/17/2010 4:03:27 PM

    Nice examples Ryan. Question about the screencast embedding a .Net control in SLX. Can you pass a value back to the calling SLX form from the .Net control?



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