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 User Profile - Leif  


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 Leif's Contributions
Leif has contributed 4 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: SalesLogix Synchronization Report
Actually, I am having a problem with this line of code....Oracle 10g doesn't like it:

dbConn.Execute "INSERT INTO SYNC_REPORT VALUES ('" & left(f.Type,4) & "', " & toMB(f.size) & ", convert(datetime, '" & f.DateLastModified & "',103))"

Author: Leif - 5/23/2007

Comment: Re: SalesLogix Synchronization Report
Actually, I am having a problem with this line of code....Oracle 10g doesn't like it:

dbConn.Execute "INSERT INTO SYNC_REPORT VALUES ('" & left(f.Type,4) & "', " & toMB(f.size) & ", convert(datetime, '" & f.DateLastModified & "',103))"

Author: Leif - 5/23/2007

Comment: Re: SalesLogix Synchronization Report
Did...get an error on line 64 char 2 Ora-00923 FROM keyword not found where expected.

Author: Leif - 4/25/2007

Comment: Re: SalesLogix Synchronization Report
Oracle version?

Author: Leif - 4/25/2007


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