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 User Profile - Sarbello  
Sarbello Consulting


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 Sarbello's Contributions
Sarbello has contributed 3 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: Generating Table IDs in T-SQL

Hi Jason,

 Thanks for the insight. Yes it's 64 bit Windows 2008 R2 Server. What advice could you recommend at this point?


Author: Sarbello - 11/7/2011

Comment: Re: Generating Table IDs in T-SQL


 Thanks for the response. I understand what you're saying that SLX_DBIDS exists in the SLX OLEDB provider. My issue involves the SLX OLEDB Provider not actually being installed on the SQLServer machine, and the result is when I make the call and go through the DLL I get (The 'SLXOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine). Not installed? It's odd but true even though it appears someone has also installed the SalesLogix Client (on the SQLServer 2008 machine). If I wanted to install the SLX OLEDB Provider on the physical box that SQLServer 2008 is on - where do you think I could get that provider / install base? On a side note, The only options available  when I open connection manager are SQLOLEDB or SQLCLI10?

Thanks again

Author: Sarbello - 11/6/2011

Comment: Re: Generating Table IDs in T-SQL

Hello - Great article. I've done most of the work outlined here however when I run  SELECT dbo.fn_GetNextSLXID('ACCOUNT'); I get an error message saying the  ( The 'SLXOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine.) We are using Version 7.5.4. After doing some research it seems “slx_dbids” is only available in that particuliar provider yet some of the documentation I've been reading indicates SalesLogix should be connecting via SQLCLI10.1?

Any advice regarding SLXOLEDB.1 or what my next steps are?

Author: Sarbello - 11/5/2011


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