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 User Profile - Ian Fitzpatrick  
  Ian Fitzpatrick
Stinger Industries

I have been working with SalesLogix since 2000. I recently obtained my SLX v7.0 Developer Certification and I am currently pursuing my MBA at the University of Denver.

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 Ian Fitzpatrick's Contributions
Ian Fitzpatrick has contributed 4 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
Thank you for the response, I had a repeated line in my function that was processing my SQL statements so I was running my inserts twice and that is why I was getting the error.

Hope you had a great President's Day.

Author: Ian Fitzpatrick - 2/16/2009

Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
Hi everyone,
I'm on v7.0.1 and I'm trying to insert records to the ContactExtension table and getting a Primary key violation. Has anyone seen this? I've checked the DB and there isn't a ContactExtension record for these particular contact IDs but for some reason I keep getting rejected. ContactExtension is a one to one table off of Contact and the contactid is what is giving me the error.

Any ideas?


Author: Ian Fitzpatrick - 2/13/2009

Comment: Re: Improving SalesLogix Performance
I just implemented the packet size change in my development environment and it cut my look up time from 15 sec to 4 and switching from accounts to contacts from 8 sec to 3. Can I bump the packet size up more or is 8192 the optimal value?

My users and I thank you for these great and well organized tips!

Author: Ian Fitzpatrick - 4/29/2008

Comment: Re: Installing v5.2 and v6.0 on the same machine
Are there any updates to this for running 5.2 and 7.0 on the same machine?

Thank you !

Author: Ian Fitzpatrick - 3/22/2007


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