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 User Profile - Erdem  


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 Erdem's Contributions
Erdem has contributed 2 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: Introduction to .NET in SalesLogix Version 7
Instead of calling the command
Application.Managed.Destroy ext
to destroy the loaded .Net extension is there a way to have the .net extension destroy itself on a particular event in the extension?

For instance say i have a phone dialer that is called on a click event in an account form. It then monitors the call for various stats like time it took to ring, busy signal, duration of call. On a disconnect event I write to a table all the pertinent details and would like to destroy the .net extension. If i call destroy in Architect after run the extension no longer monitors all the events.

Author: Erdem - 12/2/2008

Comment: Updating 1000s of records
Does anyone have any ideas as to how i can update 1000s of recodes through SSIS in SLX. Looping with a data reader is extremely slow. I am updating based on a record set in another database.

Author: Erdem - 11/11/2008


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