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 User Profile - Michael Green  
Michael Green
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Pilot Software Pty Ltd


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 Michael Green's Contributions
Michael Green has contributed 3 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures
Ok - I found all the connection information under :

This definitely has the ADO connection string information I need.

However the question is - how does my VB app use the SalesLogix ADO provider to get these connection strings ? The most I can get is the Connection (Alias) name using sp_AliasList - not the full string / extended properties.

Author: Michael Green - 6/16/2004

Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures
Ok - so the procedure is :
- slx_GetServerList - to obtain an list of SLX Servers
- sp_AliasList - (using the server name in the connection string) to get a list of Alias' on that server
- Build the ADO connection string
- User Name and Password - Supply these from ????
- SLX Server - from slx_GetServerList

Questions :
1. slx_GetServer only seems to return my machine name.......
2. I'm still unclear about the where the connection information is stored, how the Sales Client's retrieve that information etc etc.

Author: Michael Green - 6/16/2004

Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures
How do I take an SLX Alias (obtained using sp_AliasList) and turn it into a full ADO connection string ?

Author: Michael Green - 6/16/2004


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