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 User Profile - Jason Kaczor  
Jason Kaczor
A-Couple-A-Nerds Inc.

Consulting Technical Architect/Developer for the Microsoft-family of technologies. Recently performed a technical evaluation of SalesLogix for a client, now developing and designing a solution for said client in SalesLogix.

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 Jason Kaczor's Contributions
Jason Kaczor has contributed 1 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: DataLink Designer
This is nice, there is another way to do this. Create a ".txt" file. Rename the file to ".udl", when you double-click on the file it will display the standard connection designer as above.

However, if you want the connection string, simply open the ".udl" file in Notepad, or a text-editor - it is just a text file. So - don't be saving passwords in there, eh! (I found this out from a client, who had strict prod/test/dev lockdowns, and seperate UDL files for each environment - with embedded passwords)

Author: Jason Kaczor - 6/24/2004


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