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 User Profile - Dave  
Large International Manufactoring Company

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Comment: Re: Dropping SalesLogix Tables
Very fine, even if it should be mentioned that also the PLUGIN table contains a record (XMLSCHEMA) that is affected by TABLES "movements"...

If you do run:

SELECT data FROM plugin WHERE pluginid = 'XMLSCHEMA'

within WGADMIN you can see the entire DB's tables definitions

I think that this will be entirely rewrote once you change anything from SLX DB Manager.
But it would be interesting to understand when this plugin is read.
I'll try to trace it with SLXProfiler and let you know!

Author: Dave - 8/30/2007

Comment: Re: E1 User Groups
does it work with Oracle?
I'm only able to get it running with MSSQL...


Author: Dave - 9/19/2006


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