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 User Profile - Saurabh Gupta  
Saurabh Gupta
(SalesLogix Business Partner)


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 Saurabh Gupta's Contributions
Saurabh Gupta has contributed 4 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures

the sinking problem again

the 2 way sinking is not working , means i am able to sink data from the server but not from the Remote client?

thanks & Regards


Author: Saurabh Gupta - 2/28/2005

Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures
hii Ryan

I have tried with SLXOLEDB.1 provider in connection string but my app is throwing a exception

'SLXOLEDB.1' provider is not registered with the local System

what is the basic cause of the error ,and how to solve it , i have installed Service pack 2 of version 1

i am new to Salexlogix , so may be i am doing so much of mistake ,plz help ryan

thanks & Regards


Author: Saurabh Gupta - 2/24/2005

Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures
Hi Ryan
Can we call Stored procedure using SlxOledb provider ?

Author: Saurabh Gupta - 2/23/2005

Comment: Re: SalesLogix 6.1 Procedures
Okie , It works Sp_Aliaslist

But i have a problem , i inserted some data using vb.net app , but synchronization server is not creating the log ,how can i do it ? is it possible that using 3rd party app log is created , if yes than how ?

thanks & regards


Author: Saurabh Gupta - 2/23/2005


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