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 User Profile - Carlos H. Treviño  
Carlos H. Treviño
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Sistemas Estratégicos de México


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 Carlos H. Treviño's Contributions
Carlos H. Treviño has contributed 3 comments and 0 articles.
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Comment: Re: Connecting with the RWPassword From External Applications
What you need to understand is there are two different services. One is the OLEDB Provider Engine which runs in every workstation and the other one is the SLX Server. The Provider in your local PC talks to the service located in the SLX Server. In your case you would definitely need to install the OLEDB Provider in the web server. You can install only that if you don't want any client, look for the MSI file in the root directory on your installation CD.

That said, if you change the localhost entry to another ip/name you can actually use the OLEDB Provider in other PC. It's slow and causes problems but it's feasible, I wonder why they left that open...

Author: Carlos H. Treviño - 3/11/2004

Comment: Data Link files
In case someone else is wondering how to build these expressions using the OLE DB connection builder and put them into a file (like you do with ODBC) it's very easy. Some times you will have the option to create a new "Data Link file" directly in the windows explorer, but if you don't - don't panic - just create a text file and change the extension to .udl then you can access the OLE DB builder just double-clicking the file. This is convenient for some apps, for example Crystal Reports 9 where for some reason you can only enter database, name and password in the first screen ... and of course you're missing the server name which has to be entered in the Extended Properties field. A Data Link file makes is much easier and you can use it every time you create a report.

Author: Carlos H. Treviño - 2/4/2003

Comment: Thank you Ryan!
Great article! As you say this is not documented anywhere so I had to struggle a while to find out why the connection was read only and where to change that. I think this site is going to be my first place to look for answers about SLX programming from now on.

Author: Carlos H. Treviño - 1/16/2003


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