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 User Profile - Phil Parkin  
  Phil Parkin
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
FD Systems


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[QUOTE]Hi Ryan,

nice article. Thanks a lot.
Additionaly it would be interesting if there's the possibility to add an own "first letter". For instance I wanna integrate an DB based logging where the ID's starting with "Z". Is it possible to add this number group to SLX?


Unfortunately not, this is all "black box" stuff. And would IDs such as ZZ123456789A really be compatible with your other system anyway?

Author: Phil Parkin - 9/15/2009

Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
Hi Samantha

You are correct about AccountID. A couple of things I would do:

1) Remove CREATEUSER, CREATEDATE, MODIFYUSER and MODIFYDATE from your INSERT - these are (or should be) populated automatically by the SLX OLEDB Provider.
2) If you have not rebooted your SLX server since setting the ID field to Autoincrement, try a reboot.

Note that you may find it faster to test out simple insert statements in the Administrator client (Tools / Execute SQL) - until you get this bit working.

Author: Phil Parkin - 8/14/2009

Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide

Where are you running that statement from? You should be logged in as ADMIN using an SLX connection, not a SQL connection. Also, you should not use the sysdba prefix - that is already your default schema when you are logged in as ADMIN.

You should also use GetUTCDate() rather than GetDate(), because all SLX dates are stored as GMT. Actually, if you have remotes, you should avoid this completely and INSERT an explicit date, otherwise when the INSERT syncs out to your remotes and executes, the create date value will be different for all of them (depending on when they sync'd).

After setting the Auto-increment flag, you may need to restart the SLX services on your server.

All of the SLX tables should have a physical PK on their first field, the 'ID' field. If that is not there, you should be asking your integrator why not.


Author: Phil Parkin - 5/27/2009

Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
No problem Ian - problems which are that simple to solve are the ones I like best!


Author: Phil Parkin - 2/16/2009

Comment: Re: Creating SalesLogix Table ID Values - The Definitive Guide
Hi Ian, it sounds very much like you may have tried to insert a NULL to the extension table's ContactID PK field - is this possible? Have you tried running SLX Profiler to check the SQL that is causing the error?


Author: Phil Parkin - 2/13/2009

Comment: Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
I've just implemented this and it works a treat - good work Ryan!

Did you ever get round to coding Account Hierarchies? Would be a very nice way of displaying them.


Author: Phil Parkin - 7/25/2008


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