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 User Profile - Todd Hardin  
Todd Hardin
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Sage - PSG

Long time SLX Consultant and SLX Fanatic - Go SLX!
Have been working with SLX from the very first release
Hobbies: SCUBA, SCUBA, SCUBA! - I am an SSI SSCUBA Instructor

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 Todd Hardin's Contributions
Todd Hardin has contributed 3 comments and 3 articles.
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Comment: Re: E1 User Groups
Great utility idea.
Is this compatible with SLX v6.2?

Author: Todd Hardin - 5/27/2006

Comment: Re: How to generically invoke the edit form for a SalesLogix datagrid
Excellent article Ryan. I had to work this all out on my own about 6 months ago. You did a great job of explaining it as well as good clear example code.

Author: Todd Hardin - 3/23/2004

Comment: Excellent work Ryan!
Thanks for sharing what you have learned.

Author: Todd Hardin - 11/14/2002


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